Download and Install
Instructions of downloading and installing CYCLIZE.

Download CYCLIZE here (actually, send me an email for now, and I will send you a copy).

Decompress the GNU zipped file using gunzip cyclize_dev.tar.gz, which should leave a file sans the ".gz" extension. Now, untar the file with tar xvf cyclize_dev.tar.

Compile the C programs by entering the cyclize_dev/src directory and editing the Makefile appropriately. Then, type make all followed by make install. Make install will copy the appropriate files to (by default) /usr/local/bin and /usr/local/lib/cyclize . If you are not happy with these defaults, edit the Makefile variables "INSTALLDIR" and "LIBDIR".

Thats it! Happy CYCLIZing.

Jon Lapham
Yale University
Department of Chemistry - Crothers Lab