Samples: B-form DNA, 6 Atracts and a region of increased flexibility

Features found in this sample CYCLIZE script:
  • Creates a 156nt long B-form DNA.
  • Adds 6 in phase Atracts between positions 25-82.
  • Adds a regions of increased tilt and roll flexibility (9.2 versus 4.842) between positions 101-131.
  • Runs 1 simulation of 1x10^8 whole chains.

  • Notes:
  • If you want to only run multiple calculations, simply change the line that says foreach $repeat (1) to say foreach $repeat (1..10).
  • The value of $cyclize_parameters{whole_chains} can be adjusted to calculate more or less whole chains.
  • Notice the new parameter hash definition for %FLEX and the calls to the "&fill_name" and "&fill_params", which work to add this site of flexibility to a region of the DNA that was originally filled with standard B-form values. The list @flex_positions hold the nt numbers of where the flex site should be located.
  • To obtain this file, highlight the perl script below and copy/paste it into your favorite text editor, or click here for the raw text file (hold the shift key to save to disk).
    #! /usr/bin/perl -w
    require $ENV{'CYCLIZE_HOME'}."lib/";
    # Build the cyclize parameters hash
    %cyclize_parameters = (
        "whole_chains"     => 1e8,
        "nrad_stats"       => 1e7,
        "icalcs"           => 100,
        "radial_cutoff"    => 60,
        "axial_cutoff"     => 40,
        "torsional_cutoff" => 36,
        "nkeepers"         => 10,
    # Set the default values for generating the DNA
    $Temp       = 300;
    $nnuc       = 156;
    # Build the parameter hashes defined below
    # The positions of the A-tracts
    @atract_positions = ( 25..30, 36..41, 46..51, 57..62, 67..72, 78..82 );
    # Set the position and size of the flexibility site
    $flex_start  = 101;
    $flex_size  = 30;
    @flex_positions = ( $flex_start .. $flex_start+$flex_size );
    # Set the flexibility for the %FLEX parameters hash
    # This could be set statically in &build_parameter_hashes,
    # but this demonstrates that you can adjust the value dynamically.
    $flex = 9.2;
    $FLEX{tilt_flex} = $flex;
    $FLEX{roll_flex} = $flex;
    # Create the generic sequence, with nts named "B"
    # and fill the sequence with standard Bform parameters
    %seq = &create_sequence( B, $nnuc );
    %seq = &fill_params( \%seq, \%BDNA );
    # Change the name of the nts in the A-tract sites to "A"
    # and fill these regions with A-tract parameters
    %seq = &fill_name( \%seq, "A", @atract_positions );
    %seq = &fill_Atract_params( \%seq, \%Atract, \%Atract_3, \%Atract_5 );
    # Create the generic sequence, with nts named "B"
    # and fill the sequence with standard Bform parameters
    %seq = &fill_name( \%seq, "F", @flex_positions );
    %seq = &fill_params( \%seq, \%FLEX, @flex_positions );
    for $repeat ( 1 ) {
        &Cyclize( \%seq, \%cyclize_parameters, "flex_example_$repeat" );
    # build_parameters_hashes
    # USAGE: 
    # &build_parameter_hashes;
    # -This subroutine initialize the defaults for the "parameter hashes" used
    #  to construct the "sequence hash".  
    # -A single parameter hash contains six keys: tilt, tilt_flex, roll,
    #  roll_flex, twist and twist_flex.
    sub build_parameter_hashes {
        # BDNA site parameter definitions
        $BDNA_tormod         = 2.4e-19; # torsional modulus (erg*cm)
        $BDNA_rpb            = 3.4e-8;  # rise/bp (cm)
        $BDNA_helical_repeat = 10.45;   # helical repeat (bp/360 degrees)
        %BDNA = (
            tilt       => 0,
            roll       => 0,
            twist      => 360/$BDNA_helical_repeat,
            tilt_flex  => 4.842,
            roll_flex  => 4.842,
            twist_flex => sqrt( $BDNA_rpb*$k*$Temp/$BDNA_tormod )*180/$PI,
            dz         => 3.4,
        # FLEX site parameter definitions
        $FLEX_tormod         = 2.4e-19; # torsional modulus (erg*cm)
        $FLEX_rpb            = 3.4e-8;  # rise/bp (cm)
        $FLEX_helical_repeat = 10.45;   # helical repeat (bp/360 degrees)
        %FLEX = (
            tilt       => 0,
            roll       => 0,
            twist      => 360/$FLEX_helical_repeat,
            tilt_flex  => 9.2,
            roll_flex  => 9.2,
            twist_flex => sqrt( $FLEX_rpb*$k*$Temp/$FLEX_tormod )*180/$PI,
            dz         => 3.4,
        # Atract site parameter definitions
        $Atract_tormod         = 2.4e-19; # torsional modulus (erg*cm)
        $Atract_rpb            = 3.4e-8;  # rise/bp (cm)
        $Atract_helical_repeat = 10.33;   # helical repeat (bp/360 degrees)
        # Default Atract values for middle of Atract region
        %Atract = (
            tilt       => 0,        
            roll       => 0,        
            twist      => 360/$Atract_helical_repeat,
            tilt_flex  => 4.842,
            roll_flex  => 4.842,
            twist_flex => sqrt( $Atract_rpb*$k*$Temp/$Atract_tormod )*180/$PI,
            dz         => 3.4,
        $Atract{min} = 4;       # minimum number of A's in Atract
        $Atract{max} = 6;       # maximum number of A's in Atract
        # Default Atract values for 5' junction of Atract
        %Atract_5 = (
            tilt       => -7.7,
            roll       => 4.6,   
            twist      => 360/$Atract_helical_repeat,
            tilt_flex  => 4.842,
            roll_flex  => 4.842,
            twist_flex => sqrt( $Atract_rpb*$k*$Temp/$Atract_tormod )*180/$PI,
            dz         => 3.4,
        # Default Atract values for 3' junction
        %Atract_3 = (
            tilt       => 9.7,
            roll       => 0,
            twist      => 360/$Atract_helical_repeat,
            tilt_flex  => 4.842,
            roll_flex  => 4.842,
            twist_flex => sqrt( $Atract_rpb*$k*$Temp/$Atract_tormod )*180/$PI,
            dz         => 3.4,